Mobilier - PAL preturi in Moldova. Pal si blaturi Kronopol.
We are one of the largest manufacturers of boards and wood-based products in the world. Swiss quality and roots Kronopol Sp. z o.o. is part of the holding Swiss Krono Group (Ernst Kaindl), the world leader in wood-based products. The Swiss investor, providing a multimillion capital, quickly modernized the machinery and technology. Thanks to this, the quality of produced boards was noticed and appreciated by customers. That was only the beginning of change and investment. From the very beginning, Kronopol has invested in the development of the production of refined goods, developing the stock of presses for lamination, postforming or cutting to size. Along with the extension of product range, it expanded the distribution network, both in Poland and in foreign markets. Today Kronopol exports its products to 50 countries on all continents


KRONOPOL - GTV - MOBILIER.MD Компания MOBILIER.MD провела 12 и 13 сентября презентацию новинок в мебельной индустрии для своих постоянных клиентов, а также отличные семинары с участием знаменитого польского бизнес тренера. Благодарим за поддержку наших заграничных партнеров KRONOPOL и GTV, а также всех наших клиентов. Два дня пролетели незаметно! Обещаем и впредь организовывать интересные мероприятия такого масштаба .

30 September